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Table 3 Comparison of selected pharmacokinetic parameters (median values) with rivaroxaban in specific patient populations

From: Rivaroxaban and other novel oral anticoagulants: pharmacokinetics in healthy subjects, specific patient populations and relevance of coagulation monitoring

Population and rivaroxaban dose

Cmax, ng/ml

Ctrough, ng/ml

AUC, ng · h/ml

Vd/F, l

Interindividual variability in Vd, %CV

CL/F, l/h

Interindividual variability in CL/F, %CV

Hip surgery patients, 2.5–10 mg bid; 10 mg od

125* [11]

9* [11]


58 [11]

32 [11]

5–8 [11]

38 [11]

Patients treated for DVT; 10 mg bid, 20 and 30 mg od or bid, or 40 mg od

270 [12]


2870 [12]

54 [12]

29 [12]

6 [12]

40 [12]

Patients with AF; 15 and 20 mg od

257‡ [Girgis. Unpublished data]

32 [12]

3466† [Girgis. Unpublished data]

80 [Girgis. Unpublished data]

18 [Girgis. Unpublished data]

6 [Girgis. Unpublished data]

35 [Girgis. Unpublished data]

Patients with ACS; 2.5 mg bid




58 [86]

10 [86]

6.5 [86]

31 [86]

  1. *10 mg od.
  2. †AUC over a 24-hour period at steady-state.
  3. ‡20 mg od at steady-state.
  4. §2.5 mg bid at steady-state; AUC over a 12-hour period.
  5. Values rounded to nearest integer.
  6. AF atrial fibrillation, AUC area under the concentration–time curve, bid twice daily, C max maximum plasma concentration, C trough steady-state trough concentration, CL/F apparent clearance, CV coefficient of variance, DVT deep vein thrombosis, NR not reported, od once daily, V d /F volume of distribution at steady state.