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Table 1 Anti-Xa activities in orthopedic patients with or without massive bleeding

From: Comparison of three different anti-Xa assays in major orthopedic surgery patients treated with direct oral anticoagulant


Anti-Xa activity

A (mg/L)

B (mg/L)

C (IU/mL)

With MB

Without MB

With MB

Without MB

With MB

Without MB

Day one

0.08 (0.03–0.14)

0.08 (0.01–0.22)


0.08 (0.01–0.15)

0.29 (0.01–0.54)

0.32 (0.03–0.81)

Day four

0.21 (0.09–0.28)

0.20 (0.06–0.31)

0.14 (0.07–0.18)

0.13 (0.04–0.23)

0.61 (0.25–1.01)

0.69 (0.15–1.30)

Day eight

0.13 (0.05–0.25)

0.24 (0.12–0.37)

0.11 (0.02–0.20)

0.16 (0.09–0.26)

0.70 (0.13–1.28)

0.81 (0.25–1.41)

Day fifteen

0.02 (0.00–0.04)

0.03 (0.01–0.06)

0.01 (0.01–0.02)

0.02 (0.01–0.03)

0.03 (0.00–0.09)

0.08 (0.04–0.13)

  1. There were no significant differences in the anti-Xa activities according to the assay used between the patients with and without massive bleeding
  2. MB massive bleeding