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Fig. 4 | Thrombosis Journal

Fig. 4

From: Sepsis and septic shock: endothelial molecular pathogenesis associated with vascular microthrombotic disease

Fig. 4

Pathogenesis of multiorgan dysfunction syndrome in sepsis-associated vascular microthrombotic disease. The pathogenesis of MODS in sepsis is summarized. Any organ can be involved by VMTD. However, MODS is much more common in vital organs such as the lungs with ARDS, the brain with CNSD, and the kidneys with acute renal failure. The illustration is self-explanatory. Abbreviations: AAI acute adrenal insufficiency, ALF acute liver failure, aHUS atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, AP acute pancreatitis, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARF, acute renal failure, CNSD central nervous system dysfunction, CMVD coronary microvascular disease, FHF fulminant hepatic failure, HCPS hantavirus cardio-pulmonary syndrome, HE hepatic encephalopathy, HPS hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, HRS hepato-renal syndrome, HUS hemolytic-uremic syndrome, NOMI non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia syndrome, PDIS peripheral digit ischemic syndrome, RML rhabdomyolysis, SS, stroke syndrome, TSS toxic and septic shock syndrome, WFS Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

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