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Table 2 AT9 thromboembolic risk for each of the VKA indication groups

From: Guideline compliance for bridging anticoagulation use in vitamin-K antagonist patients; practice variation and factors associated with non-compliance


Indication group: n (column %) a

AT9 Thromboembolic risk

Atrial fibrillation

Mechanical heart valve

Venous thromboembolism


131 (69)

1 (5)

6 (18)


19 (10)

4 (20)

22 (65)


35 (18)

9 (45)

4 (12)

Unknown b

5 (3)

6 (30)

2 (6)

  1. AT9: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, Ninth Edition guideline; VKA: vitamin-K antagonist
  2. a Multiple indications are possible
  3. b Insufficient documentation of risk factors in the records, so the AT9 risk could not be determined