From: Evaluation of the analytical performance of the PC100 platelet counter
Parameter | PC100 platelet counter vs. Sysmex® XP-300 | |
Estimate | 95% CI | |
Median difference (%) | −1.42% | −2.17% to − 0.93% |
95% Lower LoA (%) | −19.88% | − 23.06% to − 15.43% |
95% Upper LoA (%) | 11.82% | 10.17 to 14.39% |
Slope | 0.98 | 0.97 to 0.99 |
Intercept | 6.87 | −7.20 to 19.98 |
Correlation coefficient (r) | 0.99 | – |
Nsamples | 403 | |
Measuring interval (×103/μL) | 250 to 3556 | – |