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Table 1 Summary of key pre-analytical recommendations about blood sampling

From: Pre-analytical issues in the haemostasis laboratory: guidance for the clinical laboratories

Blood sampling

Use siliconized glass or plastic (polypropylene) tubes.

Blood samples should be drawn into 105–109 mmol/L sodium citrate, buffered anticoagulant.

The pH of the anticoagulated plasma should be comprised between 7.3 and 7.45.

Perform blood collection from fasting subjects in the morning (between 7 and 9 a.m.).

The patient should be relaxed. Stress should be avoided.

Label each drawn tube with the patient’s full name, patient’s date of birth, identification number.

Collect venipuncture directly from a peripheral vein (antecubital vein).

The diameter of the needle should preferably be comprised between 19 and 22 gauge.

Release the tourniquet immediately when the first tube starts to fill (<1 min).

The order of drawing blood during phlebotomy should be blood culture/sterile tubes, then coagulation tubes, then plain tubes/gel tubes, then tubes containing additives.

Draw a discard tube when citrated plasma is obtained using butterfly systems or other IV catheter devices.

Discard tube may be considered to ensure correct filling of sample tubes for coagulation tests.

Ensure correct filling of tubes (>90% filling).

Respect the required ratio of sodium citrate to whole blood (1:9).