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Archived Comments for: Concept of a point of care test to detect new oral anticoagulants in urine samples

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  1. correction of Email address

    Job Harenberg, University of Heidelberg

    13 November 2014

    Competing interests

  2. Figure Errors

    Anna Viscusi, N/A

    13 November 2014

    In reviewing the article entitled "Concept of a Point of Care Test to Detect New Oral Anticoagulants in Urine Samples," Thrombosis Journal 2013 11:15, errors were discovered in the captions under figures 1 and 2 on page 3 of the article.

    The caption under Figure 1 states that if the patient has not taken dabigatran, the urine will turn blue indicating a negative result but the photo has a positive symbol below the blue colored sample. The same error occurs in Figure 2. Figure 2 states that if the patient has not taken rivaroxaban, the urine will be clear indicating a negative result but the photo has a positive symbol below the clear colored sample.

    I wanted to bring this error to your attention for further review and clarification. Thank you, Anna Viscusi

    Competing interests

    None declared
