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Table 2 Definitions of hematologic and renal responses and Criteria for assessing the treatment response during treatment with eculizumab

From: Application of a scoring system in Japanese patients diagnosed with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome to assess the relationship between the score and clinical responses to eculizumab

Definitions of hematologic and renal responses

Hematologic responses

 Platelet counts

 > 100 × 109/L


 > 10 g/dL

 LDH level

 < 450 U/L

Renal response

 Improvement of sCr > 25% or dialysis withdrawal

Definitions of treatment response criteria

Partial response

 Satisfied ≥ one hematologic or renal response criteria

Complete response

 Satisfied all of the hematologic and renal response criteria

  1. Each hematologic response or renal response is met if each value is observed any time within 90 days after eculizumab initiation
  2. Abbreviations: aHUS atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, Hb hemoglobin, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, PLT platelet count, sCr serum creatinine, TMA thrombotic microangiopathy