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Table 3 Plasma levels of antioxidant capacity and thiol

From: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant efficacy of lavender oil in experimentally induced thrombosis


TAC, mmol Trolox/l

THIOL, µmol/L


1.09 [1.09 to 1.09]

{1.09 to 1.11}

306 [294 to 312.25]

{275 to 339}


0.98 [0.93 to 0.99]

{0.84 to 1.09}

244.5 [227 to 250]

{201 to 259}


0.97 [0.95 to 0.98]

{0.93 to 1}

238 [222.5 to 249]

{215 to 283}


0.99 [0.96 to 1.01]

{0.88 to 1.09}

246 [236 to 271]

{225 to 291}


1.01 [0.99 to 1.02]

{0.96 to 1.06}

298.5 [276.75 to 307]

{271 to 317}

Stat. (p-value)

29.3 (< 0.0001)

30.8 (< 0.0001)

  1. Data are summarized as median [Q1 to Q3] and {min to max}, where Q1 is the 25th percentile, Q3 is the 75th percentile, min is the minimum and max is the maximum value; C = Control group; T = Thrombosis group; TPOLO = Lavender oil Per Os group; TSCLO = SubCutaneously Lavender Oil group; TIPLO = IntraPeritoneal Lavender Oil group;  Stat. = the statistics of the Kruskal-Wallis test