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Table 5 Variation of thrombus length, bleeding, and clotting time by group

From: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant efficacy of lavender oil in experimentally induced thrombosis


Length, cm

Bleeding Time, sec

Clotting Time, s



167.5 [163.75 to 173.5]

{158 to 180}

137 [135 to 139.75]

{130 to 141}


9.2 [8.9 to 9.48]

{8.4 to 9.9}

75.5 [73.25 to 78]

{67 to 82}

50.5 [48 to 52.75]

{46 to 58}


7.85 [7.4 to 8.18]

{7.1 to 8.4}

85.5 [83.25 to 88.75]

{79 to 93}

71.5 [68.25 to 73.5]

{66 to 77}


5.7 [5.25 to 5.98]

{5.1 to 6.3}

108 [105.25 to 110.5]

{102 to 116}

90.5 [88.5 to 93.25]

{86 to 100}


3.85 [3.73 to 3.9]

{3.5 to 4.1}

138 [134.25 to 142.75]

{129 to 147}

107 [105.25 to 109]

{103 to 114}

Kruskal-Wallis stat. (p-value)

36.5 (< 0.0001)

47.0 (< 0.0001)

47.1 (< 0.0001)

  1. Data are summarize as median [Q1 to Q3] and {min to max}, where Q1 is the 25th percentile, Q3 is the 75th percentile, min is the minimum and max is the maximum value. C = Control group; T = Thrombosis group; TPOLO = Lavender oil Per Os group; TSCLO = SubCutaneously Lavender Oil group; TIPLO = IntraPeritoneal Lavender Oil group