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Volume 14 Supplement 1

State of the Art 2016: Research and Review from the 9th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis


Publication of this supplement was funded by APSTH 2016. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. The Supplement Editors declare that they have no competing interests.

Taipei, Taiwan6-9 October 2016

Go to conference site.

Edited by Ming-Ching Shen, Shu-Wha Lin, Ching-Ping Tseng and Jiaan-Der Wang.

  1. Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is not uncommon in Taiwan. In type 2 or type 3 VWD hemorrhagic symptoms are severer and laboratory data relatively more distinctive. De novo mutation and somatic mosaicism of type 2 V...

    Authors: Ming-Ching Shen, Ming Chen, Gwo-Chin Ma, Shun-Ping Chang, Ching-Yeh Lin, Bo-Do Lin and Han-Ni Hsieh
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):36
  2. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare and acquired hematopoietic stem cell disease, with florid clinical presentations. Although this disease has been characterized in the western countries, its ...

    Authors: Wen-Chien Chou, Wei-Han Huang, Ming-Chung Wang, Chao-Sung Chang, Shih-Peng Yeh, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Yeu-Chin Chen, Tseng-Hsi Lin and Ming-Ching Shen
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):39
  3. Platelets are central mediators of thrombosis and hemostasis. At the site of vascular injury, platelet accumulation (i.e. adhesion and aggregation) constitutes the first wave of hemostasis. Blood coagulation, ...

    Authors: Xiaohong Ruby Xu, Naadiya Carrim, Miguel Antonio Dias Neves, Thomas McKeown, Tyler W. Stratton, Rodrigo Matos Pinto Coelho, Xi Lei, Pingguo Chen, Jianhua Xu, Xiangrong Dai, Benjamin Xiaoyi Li and Heyu Ni
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):29
  4. Retrospective and prospective studies unambiguously show that prophylactic treatment of severe hemophilia A or B should be started as primary prophylaxis at 1–2 years’ of age and ideally before the first joint...

    Authors: Rolf Ljung
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):30
  5. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a powerful tool to tackle the transmission of monogenic inherited disorders in families carrying the diseases from generation to generation. It currently remains a ch...

    Authors: Ming Chen, Shun-Ping Chang, Gwo-Chin Ma, Wen-Hsian Lin, Hsin-Fu Chen, Shee-Uan Chen, Horng-Der Tsai, Feng-Po Tsai and Ming-Ching Shen
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):33
  6. This review summarizes the evidence that collagen IV binding is physiologically important, and that the extravascular compartment of FIX is composed of type IV collagen. As we have previously demonstrated, 7 d...

    Authors: Darrel W. Stafford
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):35
  7. Hemophilia is the most well-known hereditary bleeding disorder, with an incidence of one in every 5000 to 30,000 males worldwide. The disease is treated by infusion of protein products on demand and as prophyl...

    Authors: Ching-Tzu Yen, Meng-Ni Fan, Yung-Li Yang, Sheng-Chieh Chou, I-Shing Yu and Shu-Wha Lin
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):22
  8. Venous thromboembolism (VTE), which constitutes pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, is a common disorder associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Landmark trials have shown that direct ora...

    Authors: Siavash Piran and Sam Schulman
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):23
  9. Venous thrombosis which mainly manifests as deep vein thrombosis of the leg or pulmonary embolism occurs in 1 per 1000 per year. It occurs due to interacting genetic, environmental and behavioral risk factors....

    Authors: F. R. Rosendaal
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):24
  10. In recent years, genetic analyses of congenital deficiencies of three anticoagulant proteins, antithrombin, protein C (PC) and protein S (PS), in East Asian patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) have grea...

    Authors: Toshiyuki Miyata, Keiko Maruyama, Fumiaki Banno and Reiko Neki
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):25
  11. Thrombosis is a common complication in cancer patients. Although the major inherited risk factors for thrombophilia are different between Asians and Caucasians, the main acquired risk factors that are associat...

    Authors: Pantep Angchaisuksiri
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):26
  12. The group of new oral anticoagulants or NOACs, now termed direct oral anticoagulants or DOACs, with their favourable results from large scale phase III clinical trials, represent a major advancement and expand...

    Authors: Lai Heng Lee
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):17
  13. Atherosclerosis is one of the major causes of death. Data from animal experiments suggest that atherosclerosis involves an inflammatory process of the vascular wall under hyperlipidemia. Atherothrombosis can b...

    Authors: Satoshi Fujii, Tomonori Sugiura, Yasuaki Dohi and Nobuyuki Ohte
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):21
  14. Snake venoms affect blood coagulation and platelet function in a complex manner. However, two classes of venom proteins, snaclecs and disintegrins have been shown to specifically target receptors including GPI...

    Authors: Tur-Fu Huang, Chun-Chieh Hsu and Yu-Ju Kuo
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):18
  15. The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease characterised by a procoagulant state that predisposes to recurrent thrombosis and miscarriages. Two major discoveries have advanced our understandi...

    Authors: Fatima El-Assaad, Steven A. Krilis and Bill Giannakopoulos
    Citation: Thrombosis Journal 2016 14(Suppl 1):20

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  • Thrombosis Journal is the official journal of the Asian-Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis.

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